Panels, Assemblies, and Guest Speakers

Peace Poets explore culture and use Spoken Word poetry and Hip Hop to connect the personal with the political and open a dialogue with inspiring and vulnerable energy that is often missing from many spaces. The goal of The Peace Poets is for communities to see themselves and each other as creators of beauty and carriers of important truths.


What is unique about The Peace Poets’ perspective is that they incorporate their activism and the struggles of current liberation movements into their art and performances. The Peace Poets’ experiences participating in the Black Lives Matter Movement, protecting the water with Standing Rock, supporting those affected by the 2008 housing crisis, and the struggle for abolition, prison reform, and an end to torture have all been points of discussion and reflection with communities.

Key Topics Addressed:

•  Urban Gentrification / Displacement.
•  Systemic Racism.
•  Pan African & Latinx History.
•  Human Rights / Dignity.
•  The Prison Industrial Complex.
•  Labor Rights.
•  Police Reform.
•  Ending war, torture, and violence.
•  Affirmation and celebration of youth.
•  Activism.
•  Identity
•  Duration: 30 – 45 mins.

Audience: Young people, youth groups, middle and high schools students, graduate and undergraduate programs, community and grassroots organizations, teaching artists, educators, activists, psychologists, social and cultural workers, actors, and agents of change working in the field of social justice.

Spoken Word Poetry Writing Workshops


Professional Development Workshops


Movement Music Chant Writing Workshops
